Course Offerings

Course OfferingsWe’ll customize a curriculum and bring it to your facility for on-site training.  Take a look at our Course Offerings for training topics and call to see how we can build a package to meet your team’s needs and your management goals.  We would be happy to build a custom course or entire curriculum that is right for you.  Recommended for teams of 15 or fewer people.

Project Management: Stakeholder Communications 

Project Management is almost all communications! Learn to manage customer expectations, collect information, engage stakeholders, and get management support all while keeping on schedule.

PowerPoint Presentations that Pop! 

No more rambling bullet points and reading to your audience from the screen! PowerPoint can be a useful meeting tool. Here you’ll learn to use its powers to convey your message effectively, whether it is to educate, sell, or get buy-in from your audience.

Daily Business and Internal Communications 

Emails count! Don’t be misunderstood or look unprofessional. Learn how to position your messages to ensure clarity and avoid misunderstandings. Reach your employees and solicit input with creative, attractive, and informative materials.

Technical Writing:  A Survey of Genres and Formats 

Technical Writing not just software instructions anymore. This is an overview of a dozen different types of technical communications and the basic rhetorical approaches for each.

User Guides/Product Documentation 

This is what people think of when they mention technical writing: instructional materials for a product or application. Learn the methods for gauging your audience and creating the most appropriate documentation, getting the right voice, format, and channel.

On-Line Help 

It’s not magic! Anyone can author on-line help for a professional, finished feel built right into your product.  

Video Tutorials 

It’s true: A picture is worth 1,000 words! Sometimes you just need to show what you mean. We’ll talk about the basics of developing a script and creating videos for your customers.

Processes and Procedures: Get Your Team Organized 

Not only will this help with regulatory requirements, but your team can learn to work better and eliminate waste. We’ll go through the documentation hierarchy and outline templates and samples for processes, procedures, and accompanying artifacts. 

Each course is a full day and can be customized to meet your needs.  $2,500 for up to 15 attendees, plus travel expenses outside the Hartford area.